• Once your order has been placed, Nude Skin will notify you by email and/or text message as soon as possible to confirm receipt of your order. We will email/ text you again to Confirm dispatch of your order.
  • In case of Cash on Delivery orders, an order confirmation email will be sent to you. Your order request will only be accepted once you have confirmed your order on the email/ mobile. Alternatively, you may be contacted by one of our customer care team members to confirm your COD order.
  • Dispatch of all the product(s) ordered, may or may not happen at the same time.
  • The product(s) will be inspected and packaged prior to handing them over to our trusted delivery partners.
  • Our delivery partners will bring the package to you as early as possible. In case, they are unable to reach the provided address or at a suitable time, they will contact you to resolve the issue.
  • We dispatch most orders within 2 business days (excluding Sundays and public holidays).
  • As per applicable policies, shipping charges may be levied from time to time and will accordingly appear on your checkout page. For orders above a value of Rs 900, we do not levy shipping charges.
  • Neude does not ship outside India as of now.

Estimated delivery time of 5 days from order confirmation.

Neude is working with high-speed logistics to provide the smoothest service we can. The expected delivery time for your order is 5 days. Due to unforeseen circumstances, there can be issues that delay the process of shipping which can cause an indefinite delay. Our customer management team will contact you in the event of such unforeseen delays providing updates.

In most cases, Neude does not levy a shipping charge, but based on certain conditions that may be changed from time to time, a shipping charge may be levied.


Au Naturel Beauty Pvt Ltd

10/4 Alipore Park Place

Kolkata 700027, WB, India


Phone: 1800 889 5525

Monday - Friday (10am to 7pm)